"They could hear a faraway thunder is a continuation of my long-term work, which re-animates the colonial history and legacy of Arctic explorations.
In ´narrating the North´ I often use archival sources and different techniques of re-photography, exploring and visualizing relations of history, knowledge, landscape and culture. Through experiences of travel and borderland I wish to create a matrix of fact and fiction, a field of fantasy and geographical imagination."
"Themes of disappearance and loss are characteristic to my work. Archival images I am re-photographing acquire a patina, both physical and historical, that links them with the passage of time. Dust, cracks and scratches so typical to my images work as a sort of secret manuscripts. Through the cracked glass plates the viewer can imagine an additional content and layers of different times and histories.
Dust makes palpable the elusive passing of time."
- Jorma Puranen